Post by Jsebold87 on Nov 5, 2008 1:44:41 GMT -5
"Chosen" Power-Sharing Buffy "Slayers... every one of us. Make your choice. Are you ready to be strong?"Recipe: OMWF Buffy head, S2 Darla torso, Chosen Willow legs, and MAC Drusilla arms. I sanded down her torso and hips. I then sculpted her hips, shirt, and hair. She was a commission. I was really happy to finally be making Buffy in this outfit, since it is my absolute favorite outfit that Buffy wears. Sculpt: Finished: Doctor Who "Silence in the Library" Doctor "Spooky, isn't it? Almost every species in the universe has an irrational fear of the dark. But they're wrong. Cos it's not irrational. It's Vashta Nerada."Recipe: 10th Doctor figure. I removed his suit jacket. I sanded down his torso. I then sculpted his torso, added some hair, and his arm in his pocket. Getting the arm in the correct position was hard to do in this scale. Sculpt: Finished: Doctor Who "The Satan Pit" Doctor "I accept that you exist. I don't have to accept what you are, but you're physical existence, I'll give you that."Recipe: Space Suit Doctor figure. I added some hair and some wrinkles onto his space suit. Sculpt: Finished: -Jess